A Castelfidardo col galletto….
Tra le colline marchigiane, a Castelfidardo (AN), il paese della fisarmonica, due donne grintose promuovono il territorio e la filiera dei produttori locali con passione e determinazione, accogliendo i propri ospiti in un vecchio casale marchigiano ristrutturato con gusto, circondato da prato e ulivi. (English version below)…
The Lebanese Ministry of Agriculture dines at La Table de Joseph, Conosci il tuo pasto certified restaurant!
Last Saturday the Lebanese Ministry of Agriculture H.E . Hussein Al Hajj Hassan visited the organic certified farm Biomass, in Batroun, North Lebanon. Located in Jrebta Biomass is a farm that had been working in cooperation with 40 farmers in order to develop a wide range of organic products to sell on the local market: […]
New Entry!!!Boccondivino nella Guida ai ristoranti certificati 2012!
Conosci il tuo pasto….When producers, restaurants and organic meet!!
Yesterday evening (March 22) a great event in HORECA, Beirut, with the presentation of the first Lebanese restaurants certified according to Conosci il tuo pasto, the Lebanese IMC certified producers and restaurants suppliers and author Barbara Abdeni Massaad