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Organic shop and dine in Beirut and around!

In the three days of Beirut cooking festival that took place in Biel on Nov 8-10, Beirut, we presented the Lebanese shops and restaurants in Beirut and around that every day promote organic quality and local products, healthy life style and green environment. Organic can really make the difference when we talk about agriculture, soil ferility,  human […]
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Conosci il tuo pasto….When producers, restaurants and organic meet!!

Yesterday evening (March 22)  a great event in HORECA, Beirut, with the presentation of the first Lebanese restaurants certified according to Conosci il tuo pasto, the Lebanese IMC certified  producers and restaurants suppliers and author Barbara Abdeni Massaad
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Conosci il tuo pasto presents the first Lebanese certified restaurants

On March 22nd  at HORECA, the Hospitality and Food & Beverage Services Industry exhibition which is held annually in Beirut- Lebanon, we will present the first restaurants that have achieved the certification “Conosci il tuo pasto”! For Italian version (click here)!
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