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Piatti della tradizione sì, ma con ingredienti qualificati

Come ogni anno nel periodo natalizio si portano in tavola piatti ricchi, pieni di gusto e carichi di ricordi, da un recente studio, sembrerebbe infatti che l’olfatto ci possa riportare indietro nel tempo e la sensazione gusto olfattiva può ricondurci a ricordi ed eventi passati.
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I Veg Ravioli di canapa dell’ Osteria Barberini di Senigallia (English v. below)

Negli anni ’50 l’Italia era il secondo maggior produttore di canapa al mondo (dietro all’Unione Sovietica). Nelle Marche, veniva coltivata in piccoli appezzamenti per utilizzo familiare e le sue fibre erano destinate a produzione tessile.
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Pici, traditional homemadewithlove pasta from Tuscany by La Taverna del Pian delle Mura

If you are looking for a genuine place in Tuscany, do not forget to visit the Val D’Orcia among the green hills of Siena. Val d’Orcia is an amazing and fascinating valley which extends from the hills south of Siena to Mount Amiata. It has been UNESCO World Heritage site from 1994. Scattered with lovely […]
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Amarcord….what a piadina!

Piadina is a very popular street food in Romagna region, on the Adriatic Coast, in Middle of Italy.  It is an unleavened  flatbread used as a foil that can be stuffed with many delicious ingredients and the folded to bite!  Amarcord (probably you know the word from the unforgettable movie by master of cinema Federico Fellini ) […]
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The recipes signed by Conosci il tuo pasto’s chefs! Thursdays gnocchi!

Silvia Bollotta chef at Osteria Palazzo Barberini of Senigallia, a popular seaside resort on the Adriatic coast in the Marche region in Italy,  presents today her homemade potatoes and pistachios gnocchi with wild Mediterranean striped prawns.
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Organic Eats Mag January issue online with the recipe signed by starred chef Angelo Troiani

In the brand new January issue, Organic Eats Mag presents the recipe “Mullet filets with pomegranate molasses and chestnut salad” created by chef Angelo Troiani of the Conosci il tuo pasto certified restaurant Il Convivio Troiani in Rome. Combining tradition, modernity and naturalness, Angelo privileges 
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Organic Eats Mag December issue online with the recipes of Conosci il tuo pasto restaurants

In December  2013 issue of Organic Eats Mag,  the free e-Magazine loaded with clean whole food recipes and related articles edited by Carri Pattison directly from Hawaii, you can find the recipe of Marina Grande, certified Conosci il tuo pasto restaurant in Amalfi (Salerno -Italy).
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Organic Eats Mag presents the recipes of Conosci il tuo pasto’ s restaurants

Starting from November issue in Organic Eats Mag,  the free e-Magazine loaded with organic, tasty , whole food recipes and articles with a focus on health and wellness edited by Carri Pattison directly from Hawaii, you will find  brand new  seasonal recipes of the certified Conosci il tuo pasto restaurants.   In this issue at […]
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Mexican organic local taste & Conosci il tuo pasto…

When I was reached through the blog Conosci il tuo pasto by chef Carlos (alias Calixto) Gattás Franceschini, I was really very pleased because as I have always believed one of the most attractive aspects of food are connected relations that it can create… And “food relationships” can be established when you have a common […]
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Le vostre ricette: schiacciatine di patate (VEG)

Una ricetta veloce da degustare anche come aperitivo con un calice di vino bianco, le Schiacciatine di patate con salvia e rosmarino croccanti, inviataci da Luciana Luzi, follower di Conosci il tuo Pasto per il week end! Grazie Lucy!
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