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A message from a Mexican chef to Conosci il tuo pasto

16 novembre 2013

Some days ago I received this e- mail from Mexico. “Hi I am Alondra Maldonado Rodriguera, I just came across your web site, and I liked it very much. I am a Mexican chef, that shares your values, I am not currently working at any restaurant because I decided to do a research on my state traditional cuisine, that lead me to discover how people process our local products, and how our original people Cora, Huichol, Mexicanero and Tepehuano indians conceive their food and the rituals surrounding them. AlondraI hope you can take a look at my blog,  which is in Spanish and English, and if you like itDSC_1289 may be you can share it. Thank you for forming this community. Alondra Maldonado I thought the best thing I could do after reading her blog, watching the pics, “tasting” the food and the stories was  to share with you Alondra's  blog. DSC_1485And we will keep on sharing our believes, hope to create new "Conosci il tuo pasto"  relations worldwide, connecting food and people with the same feeling!