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Producing 60% more food to make no war?

12 marzo 2014

To avoid political turmoil, terrorism, social unrest, civil wars,  UN warns that the food production must increase up to 60%. The world’s population is expected to hit 9 billion people by 2050, which, coupled with the higher caloric intake of increasingly wealthy people, is likely to drastically increase food demand imagesCAX1D3T0over the coming decades, said Hiroyuki Konuma, the assistant director-general of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization Asia-Pacific, Reuters notes. So if one hand FAO suggests insects and weeds to feed the increasing population (on May001ec94a1ea111a674d927 14 -17, 2014  the conference: insects to feed the world) , estimating that 842 million people in the world remain undernourished, on the other hand the UN agency says we need to produce more food otherwise the world will be not only hungry but also unstable…. imagesAccording to UN there are two primary options: increasing arable land areas as well as productivity rates. A lack of available arable land and more sluggish growth rates in staple crops have complicated effort to bolster these two pillars of food security. ideaWOW! That's a brilliant idea! To produce more and more, to farm more and more, and to feed more and moreimagesCADPJ1WE the obesity of developed countries will  allow us to avoid terrorism, social and mass unrest! And..ah yes! Do not forget, we have also the insects…huge grasshopper breeding factories will finally save the hungry world …!!  OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI wonder the money they used to got this idea…and if it seems quite clear that such warnings contain veiled meanings to be understood in the international context, we will continue asking what about more biodiversity, more organic farming/breeding and sustainable practices?   People need to be feed also with truth. Know your meal, know your agriculture!