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“We Are Fed Up!” 30.000 in Berlin against industrialized food

28 gennaio 2014

Feeling like a trash pack? ...Around 30,000 citizens gathered at Potsdamer Platz in Berlin  under the warn: “Wir haben es satt!" -We Are Fed Up!- . The protest was against industrial agrofood business -food systems, the increasing GMO practice and the planned free trade agreements between the EU and the USA. Instead to promote animal welfare, protect biodiversity, improving clean agriculture, enhancing the market for small farmers. Pic Tranparent stating For happy cows)The demonstration was held on Saturday, 18 January during the 'International Green Week' –  world’s  largest  fair for food, agriculture and horticulture. In its fourth year, the event is organized by different organizations like the German organic associationsGreen-Week-Berlin-2014 Bioland, Demeter, Naturlanad as well as international organizations like Oxfam and Slow Food (Germany). Feeling like a trash pack.. if you have a child you surely know what I mean.. the garbage little guys to collect and swap….Well, if you look at them you will see how they well represent organic marketwhat is happening to consumers in the current food policies. We think that it is time for EU Cmmission finally to listen to consumer’s voice granting new concrete policies to fulfill the aims they declare as in their  websit. See voice of consumers/consumers’ empowerment.   eu consumer policyeu consumer policyeu consumer policyprotecting_eu_consumersEU Consumer Policy Strategy: “ The main objective of the EU Consumer Policy Strategy is to empower EU consumers through: Choice – Information - Awareness of consumer rights and means of redress. Knowledge of conseu consumer policyumers' capacities, information and assertiveness help develop adequate consumer protection policies.”