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Can you pass me the grasshopper please?

24 gennaio 2012

In today’s Italian online news of la ,  Enrico Franceschini  reported from an article of the Guardian's Observer about the future of the food. It seems that in 2050 the population will have a new diet based on seaweeds (algae), insects, OGMs food and artificial meat , for which different tests to “grow” hamburger in labs were carried out... The “green revolution” that started in the late ‘60ies because of the population growth and that saw the introduction in the agricultural practices of high quantities of fertilizers, pesticides, synthetic nitrogen fertilizers and improved crop varieties has produced its results: double food quantities, triple use of water and soil resources exploitation, scarcity of virgin lands…According to scientists it will be no more possible to feed the planet in this way in the next years. Then how it will be possible to feed the 2.5 billion more people likely to be alive in 2050? So the problem has to be solved by looking for alternative and unusual solutions… algae, insects, OGM and artificial meat…. Well, we will probably seat in the restaurants and order crunchy green grasshoppers, hairy spiders, fat worms and caterpillars, noisy flies …there are some famous chefs in Italy as Carlo Cracco in Milan who already proposed them in his gourmet menu, but the “artificial lab grown” hamburger or chicken are really too much! It looks like meat, feels like meat and it is meat, although it's never been near a living, breathing animal…. Organic agriculture, sustainable agricultural practices, biodiversity… perhaps instead of (over)looking for new way exploitations, new artificial methods we could "go back" to what men could do in the simplest way: wise agriculture in the respect of the environment, the seasons, the soil, the animals!! What a modern method, isn't it??? Related links to the articles (English) (Italian) the chameleon picture from