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Conosci il tuo pasto goes to Morocco

5 dicembre 2013

In the spirit of the Mediterranean diet as “a set of skills, knowledge, practices and traditions ranging from the landscape to the table, including the crops, harvesting, fishing, conservation, processing, preparation and, particularly, consumption of food”* we were invited in the international symposium to introduce the project  Conosci il tuo pasto in the “International Symposium on Organic Agriculture and the Mediterranean Distinguishing Quality related to the origin" in Agadir, Morocco hold on December 2-4, 2013.DSC00022 Thanks to Le Maroc Vert, the Green Morocco plan which aims to develop local agriculture and agrofood   sector and implement the access to the market for local farmers  through a strategic land reform,  organic farming and registered “produits du terroir” (Geographical Indications) as the Argan oil, the Taliouine saffron, the ovine meat fromDSC00041 Aït Bazza, the extra virgin olive oil from Tyout have been growing in Marocco in the last years. DSC00031Talking about how to create new opportunities to access to the market for local producers Conosci il tuo pasto was defined as a viable tool to enhance the promotion of organic and quality local agriculture and valorize thoseDSC00026 restaurants and touristic structures that promote territory while  guaranteeing guests about the origin of the served food. And for the upcoming 2014 we are working to announce soon the first Moroccan restaurants that will join the network of Conosci il tuo pasto in the Mediterranean! * from the Unesco definition  untitled